The Power is Within All of Us
We all have what is required to create whatever life we want. To create whatever existence, whatever reality, whatever experience we choose. That should be the assumption for every single one of us. When we manage to live our lives in that assumption, that context, and that paradigm on a daily basis, you cannot imagine all the possibilities this world is going to offer you.
The key difference between a life of abundance and a life of struggle and poverty.
The key difference between the 3 percent who create their own reality, those who are financially self-sufficient, financially independent, the people that no matter what they touch turn into gold. Those who always is rising to the top, those who always get the job with lots of money, those who always are making more money, they don’t live in a world of lack and limitation. There is something which these people have in common. If you aspire to create your best life, if you’re seeking increased quality of your life, to create a digital life perhaps, where you’re no longer tied to the traditional economy. You don’t want to exchange your time and hard labor for money. Maybe you’re looking to just give yourself more control, more flexibility. I don’t think you would read this post today if you weren’t looking for those things. So that’s one thing I’m sure we have in common. We all want the same thing.
The difference, that I’m now going to share with you…
The difference that some of us are going to consistently be able to achieve that life, and some of us won’t. There are many different beliefs of what makes people successful, what makes the most successful entrepreneurs, what makes the most successful employees. There have been thousands of books written on this subject, there are books about personal growth, personal development, there are books on every possible topic, every possible content. I’m not saying that any of those are right or wrong, everybody has an opinion on this topic.
I’m not suggesting that this is the only way, or even the best way. I’m not even claiming that this will work for you. Please don’t even think about it, just try it out.
What I’m talking about is not a skill set, it’s not something that you have to discipline, and it’s not something you have to buy. It’s not something that you need to go to college to learn about. It’s not something you need a degree in, it’s not even something that is complex or difficult, or hard to understand. It’s not something that you have to have high IQ to be able to do. In fact, it’s this very trait that allows normal, ordinary people to get extraordinary results.
When you understand this distinction that I’m going to share with you. When you apply it to your life, and you systemize it on a daily basis, it is IMPOSSIBLE for your life not to change, in a good way. It’s impossible to fail. It’s almost mathematical how consistently this will change your life. When I tell you, it’s probably going to amaze how simple it might sounds.
When you observe some of the most successful entrepreneurs, it’s basically three things that they do:
- They know what they want. In other words, they know the outcome that they are working towards.
- They have a plan, a specific game plan, to execute. They are confident that the plan will give them the outcome they want.
- They are willing to work as long and as hard as it takes to get the outcome.
If you don’t have a plan for your life, then you’re planning to fail. You’re only as good as your plan.
Think about sports, think about architecture, and think about construction. Every other aspect of life, business, and industry, operates on a consistent plan that determines the outcome.
When it comes to life, how many of us have a plan? The reason most of us don’t have a plan is that we have no idea what we want. We know what we DON’T want, we know we don’t like our job, we know we don’t like our level of income, we know we don’t like stress, the list could go on forever. You could probably make a longer list of all the things are wrong with our life than of all the things you want in life.
Having a massive list of things you don’t like or want doesn’t change anything. You have to make a list of the things that you want. You are just willing to work so hard and consistently, to endure pain, frustration and have the persistence to execute the plan if you want outcome bad enough. You only work as hard as you have to in other words.
What is driving you? There’s got to be an outcome that is so awesome that it obsess you, and it drives you, and that’s the SECRET. You got to have that.
So people, please. Figure out what outcome you want in this life. WRITE IT DOWN. What do you want and life, and how bad do you want it? Then you make a plan, you find out exactly what you have to do, every day, in order to get there. That’s the ONLY way to succeed.
What is your vision in life?